Morning Care is offered from 7:00 a.m. — 7:45 a.m. each morning for all students in the K5-12th grades. This is a free program offered to Berean families who start their workday early in the morning.
ALL students are required to report to Morning Care if dropped off before 7:45 a.m.
Afternoon Program Hours for K5-6th 2:25-6:00 pm (M,T,R,F) 1:50-6:00 pm (W)
Afternoon Program Hours for 7th-12th 3:05-6:00 pm (M,T,R,F) 2:30-6:00 pm (W)
The Aftercare Program is offered during the above hours for K5-12th grades. Any students still on campus after school hours will be directed to the assigned extended care rooms. Charges will begin 15 minutes after the student's dismissal time.
For students that have older siblings, their charges will begin 15 minutes after the older sibling's dismissal time.
Students who are not picked up from extended care by 6:00 PM will be charged $3.00 for every minute after 6:00 PM.
- All aftercare billing and late fees are done through the Business Office.
- 3 Day Annual Aftercare Plan — a discounted rate of $151 per month
- 5 Day Annual Aftercare Plan — a discounted rate of $195 per month
Annual Aftercare Billing Policies: The Annual Aftercare Plan application located on Renweb must be filled out and submitted in order to participate in the Annual Aftercare Plans. The annual charges for three and five-day Annual Aftercare Plans shown above are based on the number of school days in a year. The annual charge is spread out evenly over 10 months. The signup period for the Annual Aftercare Plans closes on August 31st. The Prepaid Program is an annual program, not a month-to-month program. Once your child has been removed from an Annual Aftercare Plan they cannot be re-enrolled within the same year.
All Annual Aftercare Plans are due on the 1st of each month and will be subject to a $25.00 late fee if not paid by the due date. In order to remove a child from an Annual Aftercare Plan, parents are required to give written notice to the Business Office no later than the 10th of the month before the withdrawal will apply. For example: to withdraw from the Annual Aftercare Plan for September, the withdrawal letter must be received by August 10th.
Late Fee Policy: Any pick up after 6:00 p.m. will be assessed a charge of $3.00 per minute, per child. The late pickup fee will be billed to your school account. Pick-up time recorded on Berean computers will be timed in which the account is billed.