Admissions Overview
Thank you for considering Berean Christian School. Please see the links below to learn more about our program.
2024-2025 Preschool: Please contact the Preschool Office at (561) 798-9300, Ext. 224, regarding admissions for the current school year.
2025-2026 Preschool: New Student Applications for the 2025-2026 school year will open on Monday, February 3, at 8:00 a.m.
2024-2025 K5-12th Grade: Please contact the Admissions Office at (561) 798-9300, Ext. 252 or 291, regarding admissions for the current school year.
2025-2026 K5-12th Grade: New Student Applications for the 2025-2026 school year will open on Monday, December 2, at 8:00 a.m.
About Us
Berean Christian School exists in partnership with parents and the local church to empower students to walk as Jesus walked, enrich students with academics enveloped in a Biblically-based Christian worldview, and help students experience their God-given and unique giftedness for success in the future.
Empower students to walk as Jesus walked.
- Possessing and being able to articulate a thorough knowledge of Scripture that results in an integrated biblical worldview.
- Displaying a consuming love for God and love for all people regardless of gender, race, ability, age, culture, or economic status.
- Developing spiritual habits that produce an intimate relationship with the Lord and with the local body of Christ.
- Demonstrating the fruit of the Spirit.
- Living as responsible stewards of their minds, bodies, gifts, resources, time, and talents.
Enrich students with academics enveloped in a Biblically-based Christian worldview.
- Developing lifelong learning habits that produce competency.
- Developing their intellect to the fullest ability to think analytically and employ problem-solving skills.
- Recognizing, developing, and fully utilizing God-given abilities.
- Maturing as Christian leaders to serve in their respective disciplines.
Experience their God-given and unique giftedness for success in the future.
- Living and sharing the gospel by making disciples.
- Contributing positively to the community through civic responsibility.
- Fostering a spirit of community service and a missionary mindset while serving others with a heart of compassion.
- Appreciating and influencing the arts, literature, media, and the sciences through the lens of Scripture.
Success Through the Three A’s
There are three considerations which we believe help to create the best possible educational learning experience for students. These considerations are assessed (1) before a student is accepted into our program and (2) is again reassessed throughout the school year to determine continued enrollment.
- Aptitude for Learning- Does the student have the cognitive and behavioral ability to meet standards, rigor and expectations that are expected at BCS, within the program assigned?
- Attitude of Excellence- Does the student do their best in all areas, both academically and behaviorally?
- Active Parental Support- Is the parent(s) active and also supportive of the BCS program, with a mindset of cooperation and harmony?
Introductory Probationary Period
Should your child be enrolled at BCS (or re-enrolled as a rising kindergartener from BCS Preschool), they will automatically be placed on a one semester probationary period, where the “Three A’s” will be examined in real time. During this time, a determination will be made regarding further enrollment at BCS.
Standards of Conduct
Berean Christian School holds that the Bible is the infallible, divine Word of God and that salvation by faith in Christ is the initial step in the Christian life. There is adequate Biblical basis for the idea of spiritual growth into the image of Christ (Romans 8:29), which is the work of the Holy Spirit (II Corinthians 3:18). This growth begins with the initial act of saving faith and continues throughout life. The Holy Spirit makes the Christian conscious of the Biblical demands for a holy life which fulfills both God’s moral law and high law of love (Matthew 22:37-39: Romans 13:8-10, Galatians 5:14). The result is a life consecrated unto God and separated from the world. Berean Christian School will provide an environment conducive to the spiritual growth and development of its young people. (I Corinthians 9:9, 12-13, 10:32) and it is expected that students at BCS adhere to this values that help to build outstanding Christian character (I Corinthians 9:27).
Harmony Clause
Parents/students are required to abide by these Standards of Conduct throughout their time at Berean Christian School, whether at home, school, or elsewhere, recognizing that wherever a BCS student goes and whatever he does, he carries and reflects on the testimony of the Savior, his family, and his school. Parents/students found Out of Harmony with these ideals of school and life may be asked to withdraw whenever the general welfare demands it, even though there may be no special breach of conduct.
A. Compliance with Biblical Standards
Christianity is central to the purpose and mission of BCS/GF. For this reason, all BCS/GF affairs are conducted in full accordance with the Bible, the BCS/GF’s Mission, and its Statement of Faith as contained in the Church Bylaws and employee contracts, as well as related policies reflecting BCS/GF’s religious nature. Likewise, it is the BCS/GF’s policy to employ only committed disciples of Jesus Christ. Consequently, each employee is expected to review and affirm his or her agreement with such standards as a condition for continued employment with BCS/GF, both in terms of doctrinal belief and practical application. For example, all employees are expected to reflect Christian values in their interaction with persons we serve, fellow employees, and others. In addition, employees are required to refrain from behavior that reflects negatively on BCS/GF’s Christian standards. Violation of these requirements shall constitute cause for discipline up to and including employment termination.
B. Vision and Mission Statements
The vision and mission statements of the School are as follows:
Vision Statement - Berean Christian School is dedicated to a high quality Christian education, rooted in a personal relationship with Christ, which will promote the development of each student's giftedness and encourage transition to a productive life in Christ.
Mission Statement - Berean Christian School exists in partnership with parents and the local church to empower students to walk as Jesus walked, enrich students with academics enveloped in a Biblically-based Christian world view, and help students experience their God-given and unique giftedness for success in the future. As the single largest ministry of Grace Fellowship Church, the School also exists to exalt the Lord, encourage believers, and to share in the responsibility to evangelize the world.
C. Core Values
Truth - We believe the Bible is the supreme authority and guide for our Christian Faith and living.
"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."
2 Timothy 3:16 – 17
Diversity - We celebrate that we are uniquely created by God!
"So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." Genesis 1:27
Excellence - We strive for our best for God's Glory.
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters."
Colossians 3:23
Compassion - We show compassion through action.
"What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead." James 2:14-17
Integrity - We believe that what you do when no one's watching is who you really are.
"Woe to those who go to great depths to hide their plans from the LORD, who do their work in darkness and think, 'Who sees us? Who will know?'" Isaiah 29:15
D. Affirmation of Statement of Faith
All Elders, Officers, and Staff of BCS/GF shall, as a condition of their service and employment in BCS/GF, acknowledge in writing their acceptance of, and agreement with the following Statement of Faith, as set forth in the administrative/teacher contract of the School:
The God-Head (Trinity) - There is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (Deut. 6:4)
The Father - The first person of the Godhead orders and directs all things according to His own purpose and pleasure. He authored, created, and sustains all things in the universe without any means other than His own pure power. By His grace, He involves Himself in the affairs of men, hears and answers prayer, and saves from sin and death all that come to Him through Jesus Christ. (Matt. 6:9, Eph. 1:3, John 5:19)
The Lord, Jesus Christ - He existed eternally as the second person of the Godhead. By His virgin birth He came to earth as fully God and fully man, living a sinless life. His death on the cross made atonement for man's sin, evidenced by His bodily resurrection from the dead. He physically ascended to the right hand of God the Father, and He will return in power and glory. (John 1:14, Col. 2:9, Acts 2:32)
The Holy Spirit - The third person of the Godhead convicts men of sin, regenerates, baptizes, indwells, instructs, and sets apart believers unto a holy life. We encourage all believers to seek a life of obedience to the leadership of the Holy Spirit. We believe this step is essential for empowering believers for victorious living and ministry through the gifts given by the Holy Spirit. (Titus 3:5, Acts 1:8, I Cor. 3:16)
The Bible - The Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the complete, divinely inspired, infallible Word of God. The Bible is the supreme authority and guide for our Christian faith and living. (II Peter 1:20, Hebrews 4:12)
The Nature of Mankind - Mankind was directly created in God's image, voluntarily fell into sin by personal disobedience to the will of God; consequently, all people are spiritually dead apart from Jesus Christ. The fall of humanity was a once-for-all historical fact. Its effect spread to all men, each of whom is born with a sinful nature and is in need of salvation. (Eph. 2:1, Rom. 3:10, Rom. 3:23-24)
The Necessity of Salvation - Salvation is by grace, a gift of God apart from works. Salvation requires repentance, a turning from one's own way to God's way. All who receive Jesus Christ are born-again, regenerated by the Holy Spirit, and become the children of God. Our relationship with Christ is secured not by our actions but by the sustaining power and love of God. We will manifest true salvation by a changed life. (Titus 2:11, I John 1:9, I Peter 2:2)
The Church - The church is the body of believers consisting of all born-again persons without respect to race, culture, or background. Directed by Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, the church is taking the good news of salvation to the whole world. Our fellowship is inclusive rather than exclusive and stresses love for God and one another, the unity of all believers, and obedience to the Holy Spirit. (Eph. 2:19-21, Eph. 3:10)
About Eternity - People were created to exist forever. We will either exist eternally separated from God by sin, or eternally with God through forgiveness and salvation. To be eternally separated from God is Hell. To be eternally in union with Him is eternal life. Heaven and Hell are real places of eternal existence. (John 3:16; John 14:17; Romans 6:23; Romans 8:17-18; Revelation 20:15; 1 Cor. 2:7-9)
About Marriage - We believe that God has established marriage as an exclusive relationship between one man and one woman and that all intimate sexual activity outside the marriage relationship, whether heterosexual, homosexual, or otherwise, is immoral and therefore sin. (Gen. 2:24-25; Ex. 20:14, 17, 22:19; Lev. 18:22-23, 20:13, 15-16; Matt. 19:4-6, 9; Rom. 1:18-31; I Cor. 6:9-10, 15-20; I Tim. 1:8-11; Jude 7)
About Gender - We believe that God created the human race male and female and that all conduct with the intent to adopt a gender other than one’s birth gender is immoral and therefore sin. (Gen. 1:27; Deut. 22:5)
- Elementary –K5-2nd grade average 20:1 teacher-student ratio.
- Elementary – 3rd and 4th grade average 22:1 teacher-student ratio.
- Intermediate – 5th and 6th grade average 25:1 teacher-student ratio.
- Middle School and High School - 7th -12th grade average 25:1 teacher-student ratio
No. Berean does not provide transportation. Parents are responsible to drop off and pick up from school.
Berean Christian School accepts the Step-Up For Students and Family Empowerment Scholarships. Please visit for more information.
No. Although BCS is the school ministry of Grace Fellowship Church, BCS has families from many different churches and religious backgrounds. However, if you are looking for a church community for you and your family, we would love to invite you to join us at Grace.
Yes, aftercare is provided from 3:30-6:00 p.m. for an additional fee. You can find information on the aftercare program on the Admissions page of our website.
Yes, we offer honors, AP, and dual enrollment classes for 9th – 12th grades
While we do not provide gifted classes, students are challenged within their classrooms by their teachers.
No, some of our holidays may be similar, but we generally run about 1-2 weeks ahead of their schedule due to a one-week fall break that occurs in early October.