The internet is a spiritual battlefield. People from all over the world go to the internet every day looking for answers to their spiritual questions, but there is a lot of false and spiritually destructive information out there from cults, false religions, and pseudo-Christian groups. GotQuestions.org seeks to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ by coming alongside the church to help people find biblical, applicable, and timely answers to their spiritually-related questions through an internet presence. GotQuestions.org receives 125 questions per day via their website, and their answers/articles have been translated into 154 languages. The Question of the Week email has 270,000 subscribers, and there are over 4400 answers to frequently asked Bible questions published online at GotQuestions.org. Mr. Starkey, one of our BCS high school Bible teachers, serves on the GotQ team of volunteer researchers and writers who provide answers to the questions people send in.
GotQuestions.org also has several focused websites dedicated to special groups such as:
Got Questions KIDS- Easy-to-understand answers to questions that kids ask, along with blogs for parents on topics relevant to parenting, resource reviews, and media reviews.
412 TEENS- Answers geared toward questions from teens, along with blogs and vlogs addressing relevant teen issues. Most of the writers for the site are teens or young adults.
COMPELLING TRUTH - A databank of articles focused on apologetics, worldviews, religions, and cults.
BLOGOS - Blogs from Christian perspectives on a variety of topics meant to encourage dialogue among Christians and expand content areas addressed by GotQuestions.org.
SEEKFIND – A search engine designed to find only reputable, Christian materials.
Berean Christian School takes every child’s spiritual development seriously. We believe that the mandate for education is given to parents, and we see our role as a partner with the home in teaching children to love and serve God. A student’s education may last a lifetime, but their relationship with God matters for eternity! So, our faculty and staff desire to help BCS students to know God in a deep way and to develop a passion for Christ as they prepare themselves for success now and in the future.
Christian Faculty
Each of our BCS teachers is a committed, born-again believer who models what it means to be a Christ-follower, and teaches our students to think biblically in every subject area. The staff and faculty start each day with staff devotions, where we encourage each other with God’s Word and pray for our students, their parents, and the school.
Academics and Christian Worldview
The Bible is the source and foundation for the interpretation of every academic subject and school activity. We believe that a strong academic program equips our students to impact their culture and world for Christ. We are intentional about integrating the Christian worldview into every academic subject.
Weekly chapel services (separate for elementary, intermediate, junior high, and high school students) feature prayer, authentic worship, and dynamic speakers who instruct and inspire our students to live for Christ. Chapel speakers include our own Berean faculty and administrators, local pastors, youth leaders, missionaries, Berean parents, and others!
Service & Missions
Every class from Preschool to 12th grade financially supports One Child. Our students participate in numerous ministries to our local community through food drives, service projects, etc. At the beginning of the school year, secondary students attend a two-day spiritual retreat off campus with the school faculty, where they have the opportunity to grow spiritually while having fun and making friends. In the spring, high school students go on mission trips to places like Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Costa Rica, etc., where they lead backyard Bible clubs, help with church construction, participate in street witnessing, etc. We don’t want our students to wait until they graduate to start serving God. We want our students to make a difference using the abilities and gifts God has given them for His glory now, and we provide them with many opportunities.
Life Groups
Every other week, all secondary students participate in a small accountability group where they discuss spiritual topics and personal concerns with a faculty member and pray for one another.
You can sense that Berean is a Christian school just by walking onto campus. Classrooms decorated with Christian themes, teachers praying with students, students building relationships with other students who share their passion for Christ, teachers encouraging students toward biblical thinking, ministry outreach activities in our community and around the world, etc.